Saturday, December 5, 2015

Is love desperate or does desperation bring love?

Love is perhaps the most sort-after emotion in this world. It is God's best gift to mankind and every person is actually born with it in his heart. It is only later on that as one grows up circumstances shape him and he learns to imbibe numerous other emotions. And yet the need and want for love is always there. 

The question is is love desperate or does desperation bring love?

Is love desperate? Some would say that if a love is desperate, then it is not actually a proper, secure kind of love. But yes, in fact, love is at times desperate and needs that security of a complete return emotion to flourish smoothly. 

Let's say you love someone and you are not sure whether he loves you back with the same gusto. Wouldn't your love then be desperate until you have achieved the satisfaction of knowing that you are loved back the way you want? But would that make you love any less? This desperation could be positive and make you work on your relationship better. On the other hand, it could make you negative and give up, or work up with a little unfairly to achieve your goal. All is fair in love and war, it is said. Love is great and it if and when it hurts, it hurts great. Hence the desperation.

Does desperation bring love? Yes, sometimes it does when you are on the verge of giving up, it blooms out of the blue and you begin to take and interest which clicks like never before. 

In my book, Soulmates Never Part, it works both ways. Life is like that, isn't it? Sometimes there are no clear answers and yet the paths have to be taken.