It has been a while! I have been busy, mostly with my writing, working on my website and also catching up with many a things.
Since I last wrote here, many a festivals have come and gone, and Birthdays and Anniversaries enjoyed. I have made many new friends, and unfortunately lost, a couple of them too who left untimely for their heavenly abode. I guess that's life. Time is precious and so are people. And hence, we should make time for people, especially those who need us.
The response to my book has been lovely, and what I especially like is what my readers have to say, in their reviews as also in their messages to me on my Author Page in my Facebook.
Many of them have questions like: Is it a true story? Is it your story? Is love so strong? Are soulmates for real? Others bluntly ask me what my next book is going to be about! One of my readers said, “I still do read, and I still do believe in true love, no matter what has happened to me. And your book has been a good one for me!”
I am working on my next book now. I have been overwhelmed by people liking Soulmates Never Part and that has been the greatest encouragement.
Soulmates Never Part is available at my website:
To order copies of Soulmates Never Part you may also call directly on the toll free number: 0800 197 4150 (Domestic India) or +44 1908 309250 (International).
Happy reading & Keep smiling!!