Sunday, February 21, 2016

Everything good starts with caring

The following picture is a lovely post that captured the interest of many says "To make a difference in someone's life, you don't have to be brilliant, rich, beautiful or perfect. You just have to care."

The data showed as 1,032,404 people reached and 1,750plus people have liked the post within two months. I think it is amazing. Everything good starts with caring!!!

Henrietta Frye says "Just knowing someone cares means the world".

Barry Schoch says "Not just now and then but 24/7 365 days a year".

Denny Straub says "It's just that simple".

Bobby Oostveen Kyle says "This might be exactly what you're looking for".

Julia Hedrick says "Money can't buy love u got to have it in your heart".
Lee Swekla says "I'm sharing this because it reminds me of an early classmate Sammy Scola from St. Ann's school".
Wandalynn Pilgrim says "Those words are so true.  Show someone how much you care about them, today and everyday!!!"
Tom Walker says "Caring is the best place to start".

Let this inspire us, even if in some small, little way, to care more, bring in good things and make this world a better place to live in.  Let us try and leave a legacy of good and positive sentiments to the coming generations. When I read the newspaper every day, the standard thought that passes through my mind is that the world needs more love, patience and understanding. And surely, all that starts with caring.