Friday, December 4, 2015

A last try often works

Life is meant to be beautiful. One grows up with dreams of things turning out for the personal best. One tries one’s best to be positive and make the most of life. And yet, sometimes what begins well doesn’t progress as nicely as it possibly could. Challenges come up frequently and they have to be handled well each time. If one is able to weather the storms and keep up the tempo of courage and perseverance, one might find that things have gradually changed for the better for them in the long run. It is all about how one is able to cope with things that seem tough. There may be a point of time when one may feel like giving up, and then, it’s as if, let me try just one more time! That is the spirit that often gets you on board! A last try often works. Never give up on yourself.

In my book Soulmates Never Part, Sheila Kumar lives a normal life until things go out of control for her. The situation goes on to become so bad that she needs support, a support that is non-judgmental and undemanding and something that casually uplifts her emotionally. It is difficult a period of her life and no one she actually knows in real life is proper enough to share her life’s dilemma and her pain. She isn’t able to vibe with anyone or trust anyone with her situation that is emotionally over burdening her. And no, she is not on the rebound. She isn’t consciously looking towards any attachment, let alone love or a relationship. She wants to feel better, she wants to look after herself well. She doesn’t want a nervous breakdown. She wants to live.

Does this sometimes happen to people in real life too? Do people ever wish that there was just this ‘someone else’ who would pop out of the blue and be there for us when we need it? Someone who would be understanding, non-judgmental, undemanding, distant and yet close enough to be trusted? Maybe that is just a human need of a circumstance and there is no dearth of good humans in the world, both real and virtual. But love? No, that doesn’t happen easily and not often. Not the real thing anyway.

Soulmates Never Part travels through time, circumstances and situations that bring two people, absolute strangers, together. Soon, Abel hints that they are Soulmates and Sheila learns the fact slowly. What begins with a quiet curiosity slowly progresses through understandings, love, trust, faith and is shattered hopelessly. But if love is true and strong enough, it finds its way one way or the other, doesn’t it?