Saturday, August 8, 2015

An excerpt from Prologue

A horrifying crash.  If that were anyone else but Anita involved, it might have called for some sincere pity from Abel.  However, sympathy categorically refused to surface in the case of this particular woman.  He had known her only too well.  She had never let him be his true, lovable, happy-go-lucky self. Happy New Year 2005!

Car smashed. The way she was going, literally, that had to happen sooner or later. Of course, it had to!  But thankfully, it wasn’t his car that was involved. Good that Anita had picked her own vehicle on that day rather than use Abel’s which she did once too often, if only  to irritate him.  Abel definitely wouldn’t have fancied being even remotely close to or mixed up with the incident in anyway.

Drunken driver crushed beyond recognition.  That was, undoubtedly, the icing on the cake.  No amount of patch up would put that wretched woman back in one piece. Blessedly, Anita had gone too far away from the world to ever return to him.  To trouble him or to bother him.  Her deliberate jibes and insults had stung him only too often. And her endless demands had drained him so. But he had completely lost it that day. Oh damn it! Abel Freeman certainly would want to forget the whole bloody episode.

Author's copy

After the book has been published, an author looks forward very eagerly to hold its first copy. And when it turns out just as it should be, then it is a relief and sheer happiness. Writing a book is but a labor of love. One puts oneself into it completely.  

There is a time when one just concentrates on what one wants to put down in the story, very much overlooking the consequences of how it will be taken by its potential readers or how it will fare business wise. Making some slight adjustments to suit what seems better or more appropriate may come later. 

After the plot has been written, it is time to write the actual story. Elaborating on the plot is easy but adding more stuff that is required as part of the story calls for deep concentration and understanding of various situations that might have been similar some day some where at some time. 

The actual story drags very long and every word might seem to be important and interesting to the author initially. But later on, when the story is actually being edited, the author is wisely able to do away with some parts and make additions to better the story. 

All in all, it is interesting all the way. Just as the writer holds the story, the story too holds the writer until it is finally done. 

It is in some ways similar to giving birth to a baby, difficult but a sweet pleasure all the way. And holding the first copy is just as ecstatic.